Solaris are the main form of currency within Dune: Spice Wars and are essentially the in-game version of gold. Solaris are used to purchase things within the game such as buildings and unique units. Solaris can be attained through natural progression, or from trading with other factions within the game via the trading screen.
Principally, players can trade spice or other assets they control to increase their stores of Solaris.
Solaris are the main form of currency within the game, therefore if players wish to purchase unique units or buildings, they must build up their solaris to ensure they have enough capital accumulation to do so.
Solaris can be generated through numerous avenues:
- Players may wish to sell their excess spice accumulation for solaris.
- Another option is to build processing plants near to rare elemental deposits which allows for mining and collection of solaris.
- Controlling villages that contain merchants is another way to accumulate solaris, as merchants will sell goods in exchange for solaris.
Solaris Slider[edit]
In the top left of the screen, players will find a purple/gold slider. This represents the rate at which spice is automatically converted into solaris. This allows for players to automate how much of their harvested spice is automatically sold in exchange for solaris.
Given that solaris is essential for upkeep and the purchasing of new buildings, it would make sense for players to ensure that all of their maintenance/upkeep costs are covered by the automatic sale of spice; this also ensures players are able to build up their excess stockpiles.
- A spice slider that is more yellow means a player is selling more of their spice to CHOAM and therefore generating more solaris.
- A slider in the purple means more spice is going into their stockpile, but this can be traded later for solaris with other factions.
Another risky but possible way to generate solaris income is to use the espionage tab. Players are able to assign agents to infiltrate CHOAM, therefore generating a small percentage of extra solaris income.
As a baseline, each agent assigned will generate an extra 5 solaris. Building the CHOAM branch in the capital of your faction will boost the income by 30%.