House Ecaz are a refined and prestigious house and good allies of House Atreides. Led by the Archduchess Armanda Ecaz, House Ecaz bring to Arrakis a subtle blend of agression, luxury and political mastery as they vie for control of the most valuable planet in the universe.
House Ecaz are one of the houses available for players to chose during gameplay of Dune: Spice Wars.
General Gameplay[edit]
- Sanya Ecaz: The eldest daughter of Archduchess Amanda Ecaz, Sanya is the current heir to the House of Ecaz. Sanya has a charming personality and artistic traits which allow her to thrive within the community of the house.
- Whitmore Bludd: A renowned instructor at the Ginaz swordmaster school, he was originally Ilesa's bodyguard but quickly became the swordmaster of the House.
- Ilesa Ecaz: The second daughter of the Archduchess, she is a bitter and serious woman and has no qualms about guilting people into doing her business.
- Mesa Ecaz: The last and youngest daughter of the Archduchess, she is both driven and smart, and advocates for the House to us etheir benefit the people.
Unique Units[edit]
- Squires: Squires are armoured pikemen who have sworn to serve House Ecaz; they are used to taking the damage from bigger units whilst protecting other, more powerful units.
- Musketeers: Equipped with heavy muskets, Musketeers are big-game hunters who have the ability to take down those with the strongest armour.
- Fencers: Armed with elegant swords, Fencers are expert martial arts fighters who engage with backline units in fights they are sure to win.
- War Banners: A floating reminder of everything House Ecaz stands for. The banner emboldens Ecazi soldiers and demoralises their enemy.
- Knights: With a long sword and the support of the other units, Knights are brave units that symbolises everything House Ecaz stands for.
Faction Bonuses[edit]
Inherent Bonuses[edit]
- Surrounded neutral villages become Sanctuary, that cannot be attacked by other factions.
- Gain 1 Authority production per Sanctuary.
- Villages get their quirks applied 1 more time per neighboring Sanctuary.
- Cannot betray a faction in Truce.
At 5k Hegemony[edit]
- A single Ecazi Village can be turned into a Garden Resort
- A single Ecazi non-mechanical unit can be named Champion, who raises Hegemony by killing other faction's units.
At 10k Hegemony[edit]
- Turn 0.2% of your Hegemony into Solari production.
- The first 30 votes places on each resolution are free.
Tips and Tricks[edit]
- Deep Desert, Mountains, and the outside edges of the map count as surrounding a village in relation to Ecaz's Sanctuary Bonus.
Promotional Images[edit]
- ↑ This is not the same title as in the Dune media by Frank Herbert; the title in the Dune universe is "Duke".